Adrian Lee Energy

Energy is Everything and Everywhere!  It can change your life.

Surrender and let the magic happen! After dismissing his true life spiritual path, the Universe decided he could no longer ignore it in 2017. Since then, and following a total surrender to universe at the beginning of 2022, Adrian has been on an accelerated path that has been transformational for many souls, including his own.  Deep Akashic record clearing, re writing and training has been his main gift to date, but helping people to surrender, self love and spread love is the current way forward for him. Building heart centred, bright, authentic relationships and gatherings is a natural gift for Adrian. ​He has been told his soul contracted to bring in the love and higher heart energies from Andromeda for the rest of his incarnated life, and he had many significant lives in the healing temples of Atlantis. In this incarnation he seeks to serve as authentically, honestly and openly as he is able to reach for, and his invitation is for you to join him in anchoring the higher love we are all capable of manifesting, at this crucial pivot point in our collective evolution. Come with an open heart, be prepared to laugh, play, voice, be seen, heard and belong.

Adrian – “While healing and accession is a serious process, we are still in a physical body on earth so we must smile, laugh and play with our healed inner child when we can. Lets gather in our communities with the Angels and have lots of fun, because the Angels love that! And so do I! Lets sing, dance and live in love!”

When you are in alignment, the magic starts to happen.

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I recently had a beautiful Akashic records clearing with Adrian Lee. Adrian is very skilled in how he holds sacred space, and if you give him permission to enter your energy field he is very gifted in being able to feel exactly what you are feeling during the session – which is very validating. He is extremely sensitive in reading your energy. Some things came up for clearing that I had not expected from many decades ago and it was quite emotional, but after the session I felt lighter, clearer, and happier. I would recommend him at this important time if you feel you need assistance.
Pam Gregory
Astrologer – The Next Step
I have been clearing for 40 years but that was the deepest clearing I have ever done!
Diana Cooper
Author, International Speaker, Teacher

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