Sacred Circle Deep Clearing – Multidimensional & Akashic


About this event

The Perfect time to step in to your power

On November 19th 2024 Pluto returns to Aquarius fully and stays in that sign for another 20 years. The last major transit of Pluto in that sign was from 1777-1798. This was the time of the French and American revolutions, rebellions in many geographies against the old power structures that were no longer serving the people. Pluto is the planet of power, so this transit begins the gradual shift of power from top-down structures to us, the people. A time for you to step in to your power.

Aquarius is the sign of revolution, rebellion, freedom, truth, humanitarianism, egalitarianism, communities and innovation. Life will speed up even more from this point, but we will start to see many solutions to problems in our world. Step into your spiritual sovereignty, and embrace what we can co-create as an era of freedom for you and all humanity.

This is the perfect time for a clearing. As most of us know we have been living through extraordinary energetic times with many feeling fatigued, and experiencing physical and emotional issues. In these times we can go even deeper than before. We will cover as many areas as possible so you can access your Golden frequency & Golden Records with ease and grace ….. Lets do this.

The recording will be available until at least 1st March 2025.


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