About this event
Helen and Adrian Lee from the UK are so excited to call together this spontaneous heart gathering at the uniquely beautiful and transformational power point of
Mount Shasta, root chakra of earth.
There is an innate call in the core of every heart. The place where remembrance lies; where our true Self can never be extinguished or diminished.
Adrian and Helen will each lead group clearing, healing and transformational meditations, shaped by who is called, our setting in time and space in Mount Shasta and our dedication to live as Love.
Recording available until at least 1st May
Helen lived in Mount Shasta for 5.5 years, moving from Scotland on her soul path. She is a transformational consciousness coach, embodied awakening guide, multi-dimensional healer, writer and meditation teacher. Helen has supported healing and evolution with pathfinders across the planet for twenty-five years. Her book “Coming Home” on living a life of embodied love as an awakened human is on Amazon.
Adrian has been on an accelerated path since the beginning of 2022 that has been transformational for many souls, including his own. Deep Akashic record clearing, re writing and training has been his main gift to date but helping people to surrender, self love and spreading love is the current way forward for him as building heart centered relationships and gatherings is a totally natural gift for Adrian.
For thousands of years Mount Shasta has called beings from many worlds home to a higher remembrance of Love. She is a fierce and incomparable teacher; and a cosmic gateway of remembrance for light-workers, healers, visionaries, and evolutionary spirits such as you to reunite with aspects of ourselves and each other.
Recording available all the time this website exists.